Formats Registry


The existence of a format in this registry DOES NOT require tools to implement it.

If tools choose to implement any format present in this registry, they SHOULD implement the format following the provided behavior.

The registry SHOULD NOT contain two entries that have the same meaning, unless all but one have been deprecated.


Please raise a Pull-Request or Issue to contribute or discuss a registry value.


For the purpose of JSON Schema validation, each format should specify the set of JSON data types for which it applies. In this registry, these types are shown in the “JSON data type” column.

Value Description JSON Data Type Source Deprecated
base64url Binary data encoded as a url-safe string as defined in RFC4648 string   Yes
binary any sequence of octets string OAS Yes
byte base64 encoded data as defined in RFC4648 string OAS Yes
char A single character string   No
commonmark commonmark-formatted text string OAS No
date-time date and time as defined by date-time - RFC3339 string JSON Schema No
date date as defined by full-date - RFC3339 string JSON Schema No
decimal A fixed point decimal number of unspecified precision and range string, number   No
decimal128 A decimal floating-point number with 34 significant decimal digits string, number   No
double-int an integer that can be stored in an IEEE 754 double-precision number without loss of precision number   No
double double precision floating point number number OAS No
duration duration as defined by duration - RFC3339 string JSON Schema No
email An email address as defined as Mailbox in RFC5321 string JSON Schema No
float single precision floating point number number OAS No
hostname A host name as defined by RFC1123 string JSON Schema No
html HTML-formatted text string OAS No
http-date date and time as defined by HTTP-date - RFC7231 string   No
idn-email An email address as defined as Mailbox in RFC6531 string JSON Schema No
idn-hostname An internationalized host name as defined by RFC5890 string JSON Schema No
int16 signed 16-bit integer number   No
int32 signed 32-bit integer number OAS No
int64 signed 64-bit integer number, string OAS No
int8 signed 8-bit integer number OAS No
ipv4 An IPv4 address as defined as dotted-quad by RFC2673 string JSON Schema No
ipv6 An IPv6 address as defined by RFC4673 string JSON Schema No
iri-reference A Internationalized Resource Identifier as defined in RFC3987 string JSON Schema No
iri A Internationalized Resource Identifier as defined in RFC3987 string JSON Schema No
json-pointer A JSON string representation of a JSON Pointer as defined in RFC6901 string JSON Schema No
media-range A media type as defined by the media-range ABNF production in RFC9110. string OpenAPI No
password a string that hints to obscure the value. string OAS No
regex A regular expression as defined in ECMA-262 string JSON Schema No
relative-json-pointer A JSON string representation of a relative JSON Pointer as defined in draft RFC 01 string JSON Schema No
sf-binary structured fields byte sequence as defined in [RFC8941] string RFC 8941 No
sf-boolean structured fields boolean as defined in [RFC8941] string RFC 8941 No
sf-decimal structured fields decimal as defined in [RFC8941] number RFC 8941 No
sf-integer structured fields integer as defined in [RFC8941] number RFC 8941 No
sf-string structured fields string as defined in [RFC8941] string RFC 8941 No
sf-token structured fields token as defined in [RFC8941] string RFC 8941 No
time time as defined by full-time - RFC3339 string JSON Schema No
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer number OAS No
uri-reference A URI reference as defined in RFC3986 string JSON Schema No
uri-template A URI Template as defined in RFC6570 string JSON Schema No
uri A Uniform Resource Identifier as defined in RFC3986 string JSON Schema No
uuid A Universally Unique IDentifier as defined in RFC4122 string JSON Schema No