Namespace Registry

To allow for creators of OpenAPI descriptions to define new extensions without the risk of name collisions, a namespace registry is maintained by OAI. The namespace registry is a simple list of unique identifiers that are used as part of a prefix for extensions to ensure uniqueness. A prefix has the format x-{namespace}- where {namespace} is a unique string associated to the creator of the extensions within the namespace. Namespace identifiers MUST be registered as lowercase identifiers.


Please raise a Pull-Request or Issue to contribute or discuss a registry value.


Value Prefix Description Issue
ms x-ms- Extensions created and used by Microsoft  
oai x-oai- Reserved for uses defined by the OAI  
oas-draft x-oas-draft- Extensions created by OAI to indicate proposed changes to the OAS specification  
oas x-oas- Reserved for uses defined by the OAI  
sap x-sap- Extensions created and used by SAP